I’m not sure if we ever said it out loud. The “Mitchell’s & Thorpe” family clan, but my grandma Lottie Mae Mitchell Hines was a root worker. She came from a time that no one said anything, but there was whispers about her and everyone noticed how she moved. They noticed that she always came home to the Gullah Geechee coast of GA with a new Cadillac every year. They noticed she was always dressed to the nines. They noticed that she was a prolific gift giver, and that she lived and thrived in Miami Florida. She was a revolutionary at heart, a strong woman, a didn’t take no one’s shit woman but also had a heart for her family and her people. She was a businesswoman, the neighborhood corner store lady with the chips, candy, pickles and honey droppers. She laughed loud, she did most things BIG, and with a certain level of style. She was the first woman with those long sharp stiletto nails way before it was a “style.” When she came into the room, baby you knew it and felt it. She looked, dressed and carried herself like style, grace, elegance and money. She work the biggest and most beautifully flashy adorned attire I ever knew. I don’t always put on a show in attire but when I need to, I WILL PUT THAT SHIT ON. My grandma Lottie used everything at her disposal, all the resources and knowledge she had to not just live but to thrive in her own bubble and spear of influence. She was an activist and participated heavily with the Oba election. When I think of the reason, I named my herbal business, Matriarcg Herbal Medicine, it’s to honor all the strong, good, complete and multifaceted layers of the beautiful women I come from. It is r give continual honor in my way, r the eggs that was in my great grand mothers ovaries and all that we continually show the world what they embedded in us. By nurture and nature, by DNA and by how we were raised. I choose activism, revolutionary thinking and living my truth out loud. In this Age of Aquarius, I am putting the name to the unspoken truths so that for those who this resonates with, you are seen too. My grandma was a root worker. She made sure her money always flowers and never stopped flowing. I used these roots to nourish my body, mind, soul and spirit. I also make sure my community, friends and family use these roots to nourish our bodies, mind, soul and spirit. And I’m my grandmas grandchild, I am Omitade Ifagbure, your Yoruba, Afro-Cuban and indigenous neighborhood rootworker and light worker. I answer to Goddess and star seed. I am a mother, writer, herbalist, healer, mental health advocate, holistic life coach and intellectual. My pronouns are She & Her. I am a spiritualist and an Olorisa of the Big Mama Yeye Yemoja. I am my Egbe and Ancestors dreams actualized and I have event more to accomplish. It wouldn’t be possible without my big mamas, my family Matriarchs and imma always keep their legacy alive and thriving.